Special educational needs & disability (SEND) information
We are extremely proud of the inclusive nature of our school. For information on how we support our children with SEND, please read our SEND Policy and our SEND Information Report (below).
Click on the links below to learn more about some of the services available to support young people and families in Wiltshire.
Wiltshire SENDIASS
Wiltshire SENDIASS provides a free, confidential and impartial support service to children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), and their parents and carers. We offer information, guidance, support, and signposting, either by phone, Teams calls, on an individual or targeted basis where needed, or through events and workshops.
Wiltshire Parents and Carer Council (WPCC)
Wiltshire Parents and Carers Council (WPCC) supports parent carers, and professional colleagues working with them, through its Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Service (SENDIS).
Wiltshire local offer
Every local authority is responsible for publishing a Local Offer and making sure it is clear, comprehensive and accessible for everyone to see. It is the first place to look for information about services, advice and support for special educational needs and disabilities from early years to adulthood.