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Safeguarding & Online safety


The safety and well-being of our pupils are always of the highest priority. At Studley Green Primary School our safeguarding leads are:

Will Orr (DSL, AHT)

Jon Edy-Berry (DDSL, HT)

Sarah Inman (DDSL, AHT)

Chris Bennet (DDSL, SENDCo, Designated teacher for looked-after and previously looked-after children)

Anne Vinicombe-Taylor (DDSL, Pastoral Lead)

Our safeguarding governor is Allan Mason.

All staff are trained in the identification and reporting of any concerns which might suggest that a child’s safety or well-being is at risk. We ask that anyone coming into school who has any concern about the safety or well-being of any child raises this immediately with one of the safeguarding leads.

The school works closely with the safeguarding teams at Wiltshire Council via the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH). The MASH is a single point of contact for all safeguarding concerns regarding children and young people in Wiltshire.

Anybody can report a concern to this team via telephone on 0300 456 0108.

Please also see our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy, as well as our Online Safety Policy and Whistleblowing Policy.

Online safety

The internet and technology offer wonderful benefits for learners and most use it safely. But while the internet offers a wealth of opportunities, there are online risks that could potentially lead to harm. At Studley Green we take internet safety very seriously and it is taught throughout the school in our curriculum. At home, we believe parents and carers should take a balanced approach to children’s online safety. Doing nothing will lead to trouble, but a heavy-handed approach will make them all the more determined to do the opposite of what you tell them. A degree of monitoring and control through parental software – balanced with age-appropriate education and guidance – will go a long way towards keeping their digital lives safe and happy.

Protecting your child from cyberbullying

Cyberbullying is a growing concern nationally, but there are practical tips and tools you can use to teach your child how to make smarter and safer choices as they navigate their online world.

Internet Matters is a fantastic website full of resources to support parents and carers -

Internet Matters also have a series of step-by-step parental controls guides which will help you to set up the right controls and privacy settings on the networks, gadgets, apps, and sites your children use to give them a safer online experience -

For more information and further help please visit the websites below:


Online safety guide for parents of primary school children.

Introducing Be Internet Legends

To make the most of the internet, children need to make smart decisions. At Studley Green, we want children to become Internet Legends. Be Internet Legends empowers younger children to use the web safely and wisely, so they can be confident explorers of the online world.

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