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Pupil & sports premium

Pupil premium

The Pupil Premium (PP) is an allocation of funding directly from the government, which is given to schools based on the number of children whose parents have been eligible to claim free school meals over the past six years (this is different to the free school meals offered to children up to Year 2) and those looked after by the Local Authority.  There is also a smaller grant based on the number of pupils from service families.

Nationally, there is considerable evidence to show that children and young people who are eligible are more vulnerable to possible underachievement.  Whilst this is not always the case, the purpose of the funding is to support the school in ensuring this specific group of children achieves the best they can, especially personally and socially, and in Maths and English, which are so important for moving into secondary school. 

It is for the schools to decide how the Pupil Premium is spent since they are best placed to assess individual needs and what additional provision should be made. All schools are required to report on the amount of funding received and how this is being used.  Once information is available, the impact of the funding will also be reported.

Pupil Premium Champion: Mrs D Cottle

Pupil Premium Evaluation 2023-24

Pupil Premium Strategy 2024-25

PE and sport premium

At Studley Green Primary School we recognise the lifelong impact of sport, as well as a healthy diet, on the future well-being of children. This is supported by government and independent research which concludes that an innovative and varied PE curriculum and extracurricular opportunities have a positive influence on the concentration, attitude and academic achievement of pupils.

The Primary PE and Sport Premium

Financial benchmarking

Click here for our dedicated page on the schools financial benchmarking service.

No school employees have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more.