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Design & technology

Our beliefs

Design and Technology (D&T) is a vital part of our curriculum as it helps to prepare children to deal with tomorrow’s rapidly changing world. At Studley Green, children receive a D&T curriculum which allows them to exercise their creativity through exploring, designing, making and evaluating. We aim to develop children’s knowledge, practical skills and creativity to be able to apply these ideas in everyday life and become problem solvers. Therefore, we are dedicated to delivering exciting and inspiring lessons that children will enjoy and remember.

Our design & technology curriculum

Design and Technology at Studley Green follows a clear structure similar to other foundation subjects which includes opportunities for prior learning links, vocabulary teaching and everybody reading. We subscribe to Kapow Primary, using their resources and lesson plans to develop our scheme of work. Our DT curriculum is split into the technical knowledge of Cooking and Nutrition, textiles, mechanisms and structures. In KS1 children cover all these 4 areas of DT in both years. In KS2 these 4 areas of technical knowledge plus electrical systems and the digital world are taught at least once across the key stages. Each Design and technology project follows the design process where children get to research, design, make and evaluate. A range of skills are taught ensuring that children are aware of health and safety issues related to the tasks undertaken. When planning, clear and appropriate cross-curricular links are made and projects sometimes relate to class topics to ensure a memorable learning experience. Children are asked to work independently and collaboratively in Design and Technology lessons to develop leadership, teamwork and problem-solving skills.